Those who quilt know how easily it happens.

You know, the accumulation of all those quilting rulers we use, some infrequently and others multiple times a day. They add up and are hard to keep track of.

You can purchase a desk ruler rack that holds maybe ten of those rulers.
Or you could consider purchasing a
Ruler Rack from Rita's Racques.
Using a Ruler Rack has many benefits over using a desk ruler holder that holds only a few rulers:
A wall-mounted Ruler Rack saves space on your cutting table, making your workspace look neater and more organized.
It allows you to store more rulers (up to 42) than a desk ruler holder (maybe 10).
It makes it easier to find and access the proper ruler. No more digging through drawers trying to find the right one.
It protects your rulers from bending, breaking, or being scratched.
Hang your scissors and cutters away from prying hands.
Ruler Racks from Rita's Racques come in three sizes:
Ruler Rack - 36" x 5" x 1" that holds up to 42 rulers
Junior Ruler Rack - 18" x 5" x 1" that holds up to 28 rulers
The Spot-On Rack - 3" x 6" that holds up to 7 rulers
This rack is great if you have no space or you want to hang large mats and rulers.