This Week
Taking Time To Get-A-Way

Hello, my fellow enthusiasts!
This week I find myself in Iowa at a quilting retreat for seven whole days! It’s a bit difficult to get my Tuesday Tip Out as the internet is pretty slow here so if you find this post short please understand. I also can’t get my spacing correct.
It’s my favorite time of the year. I am sharing space with 80 women. At times we crowd each other and we make a huge mess. But the fun, laughter, sharing and enthusiasm is worth being a bit squished for space. Many of these women have been attending this retreat for over 30 years. We learn so much from each other.
It’s time away from our families that rejuvenates us. Sharing something we love with people who understand our enthusiasm is a blessing.
So bless yourself and take a day or two for yourself if you can. You will return to your daily life a happier and healthier you.

Our Retreat Leader - Susan Brown

Harry Potter Theme
You don't always sew during a retreat.
What is a quilting retreat?
It's like a modern quilting bee, but sew much more.
It's a super fun weekend with friends old and new.
It's sewing for the love of it and
making something for you.
It's laughing, chatting, making connections,
being creative, being you.
It's staying up late or going to bed early,
no cooking, no cleaning, - just fun!
It's creative, it's inspiring, it's relaxing.
It's making and learning something new.
My advice, find a friend, attend a class, find a group, volunteer.
I give you my Irish goodbye,
The idea is not
to live forever,
but to create
that will.
-Andy Warhol